hemp flour
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What Is Hemp Flour And How Does One Use It?

The hemp flower is changing things around the world as countries and states in the US consider legalizing the medicinal and recreational use of cannabis, a derivative of the flower. Even so, the flower itself serves several legally permitted purposes dating back centuries from its use in the production of clothing to rope, medicine, and […]

nonalcoholic CBD beer
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The Ultimate Guide To Non-Alcoholic CBD Beer

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a chemical compound found within the Cannabis sativa plant. The plant itself has been cultivated for centuries and used to produce industrial fibers, seed oil, food, and medicine, amongst other things. CBD is one of the components derived from the plant that is said to offer health benefits when consumed as […]

hemp oil for hair care
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How To Use Indian Hemp Oil For Your Hair

The term hemp is thrown around a lot and often confused with marijuana, however, hemp is a completely different variety of the Cannabis sativa plant. Where marijuana is growing in popularity for its proposed health benefits and states across the country are decriminalizing and/or legalizing its recreational and medicinal use, hemp has long been used […]