The Science Behind Hemp Hand Cream – Is It For You?

The hemp plant continues to showcase its health benefits as more and more companies include various components of the plant in their products, specifically in the skincare industry. Hemp hand cream is one such product, and there may be a case for the use of it in providing superior skin healing properties. For those who wish to understand more about hemp, the science behind hemp hand cream, and whether or not it is the solution for you, you’ve come to the right place. We have provided a comprehensive guide below.

What Is Hemp?

The hemp plant has been grown and harvested for thousands of years for its ayurvedic, or medicinal benefits, as well as its ability to be crafted into products for various industries. But, what exactly is it about hemp that offers these benefits? 

The chemical compound Cannabidiol (CBD) is a cannabinoid found in the hemp plant that is responsible for the plant’s health components. When consumed through supplementation, eating, or skin-based application, the CBD cannabinoid promotes functions in the body that are said to improve health and wellbeing. Although part of the same cannabis plant family, hemp does not produce the intoxicating tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) cannabinoid found in marijuana. Therefore, one will not feel ‘high’ when using or consuming CBD-based hemp products.

Beyond medicinal use, the hemp plant can be used in a variety of other ways. For example, hemp has a long history in the fashion industry as an organic and eco-friendly material to create clothing with its fibers.

Hemp Hand Cream: Hemp Seed Oil VS CBD

Hemp hand cream is becoming incredibly popular as CBD-based hand cream products boast several benefits associated with the cannabinoid. When it comes to hemp hand cream, there are two general types of products that you will find on the market. Some hemp hand creams are created strictly using hemp seed oil and do not contain CBD while other hemp hand creams boast CBD and its subsequent benefits. 

The benefits of each differ slightly: hemp hand creams created from hemp seed oil, which is produced by cold-pressing hemp plant seeds, boast vitamins and Omega-fatty acids that are beneficial for the skin while hemp hand creams with CBD have more significant regenerative, anti-aging, and anti-inflammatory properties according to experts

Hemp hand creams created from hemp seed oil and CBD both offer several skincare benefits, while hemp hand creams with CBD are said to offer superior results. We have outlined the benefits of using hemp hand cream with CBD below:

The Benefits Of Hemp Hand Cream With CBD

Hemp hand creamWhile you may experience benefits from using hemp seed oil based hand creams, there is evidence to support superior results when using hemp hand creams with CBD. The benefits below showcase the qualities of hemp hand cream with CBD for your skin:

Improved Skin Health

CBD’s ability to minimize inflammation, reduce redness, and provide moisture to the skin all contribute to its beneficial skin care qualities. From reducing the impact of eczema to smoothing out wrinkles and fine lines, CBD-based hemp hand cream is an ideal skincare solution.

Fewer Toxins And Harmful Ingredients

Most companies that produce CBD-based hemp hand cream have a strong ethical and environmentally friendly business stance. For this reason, fewer to zero toxins and harmful ingredients are typically found in hemp hand cream products. 

Pain Relief

CBD’s pain-relieving qualities can also benefit the skin when applied through a hemp hand cream. Chronic pain and arthritis are common conditions CBD is used to prevent, and the application of a cream moisturizer may provide targeted relief to specific areas of the skin and underlying bone and muscle.

Relaxing Properties

CBD’s relaxing qualities make hemp hand cream an ideal long-term skincare solution that should not cause uncomfortable rashes or reactions.

Should You Use Hemp Hand Cream With CBD?

In short, the answer is yes. Hemp hand cream with CBD offers several significant benefits when compared with hemp hand cream produced from the seed oil. Furthermore, these products boast qualities that differentiate them from other potentially harmful products on the market. For example, the lack of toxins typically found in hand cream formulas makes hemp hand cream with CBD a reliable long-term solution for better skin health. Ultimately, the choice is yours to make but there is a strong case for the use of hemp hand cream with CBD if you wish to see improved skincare results.

The skin is your body’s largest organ, so looking after it is extremely important. Whether you have a strict skincare regime in place or wish to purchase new products to redefine your healthy practices, hemp hand cream with CBD may provide quality results. It may be wise to consider these products and start sourcing the best hemp hand creams on the market for healthier skin.


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